Our third grade field trip to the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium is tomorrow.
Looking for something to read?
Please complete the google form at the bottom of this message in order to pre-register your new kindergarten student for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Paste this link into your web browser and it will take you to the form. You can also call the office with the information. School staff will contact you to schedule a screening/testing appointment during school registration in August.
Pre-Registration form:
Celebrate Native American Week with us next week. Thank you Miss Tiffany for encouraging our students!
Are you in the game?
Be an attendance Hero
National Reading Month
Are you on the 5 day plan?
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!
Hats off to Reading
Hats off to reading - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss.
Lorax Day!
Thursday is Pajama Day - Celebrate the Sleep Book this week!
(PS - It's also Leap Day! So don't sleep away your bonus day!)
Get Wacky for Wacky Wednesday
Tuesday is Hat Day/Crazy Hair Day
Congratulations to all the winners. Thank you to all of those who participated in our poster contest.
Dr. Seuss Week begins tomorrow. Find your red and blue things to wear. We'll see you in the morning!
5th Grade is gathering food to benefit our community. If you wish to donate there are collection boxes in each of the classrooms.
Dr. Seuss week is coming!
Skip school today, feel lost in class tomorrow.
If you are looking for something fun to do this weekend. Come join us at Union High School's Indoor Facility for the Boy's Tennis Team pickleball fundraiser.